Table of Contents
Review Articles
Adult Brain
- Arterial Spin-Labeling Parameters Influence Signal Variability and Estimated Regional Relative Cerebral Blood Flow in Normal Aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment: FAIR versus PICORE Techniques
In healthy controls and 43 patients with mild cognitive impairment, 2 pulsed ASL sequences were performed at 3T: proximal inversion with a control for off-resonance effects (PICORE) and the flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery technique (FAIR). FAIR had higher estimated relative CBF and lower interindividual variability than PICORE.
- Degree of Collaterals and Not Time Is the Determining Factor of Core Infarct Volume within 6 Hours of Stroke Onset
Ninety-one patients were scanned by MR at 0–3 hours from stroke onset, and 70 patients within 3–6 hours. Collateral status, but not time from stroke onset to imaging, was a predictor of the size of core infarct in patients with anterior circulation large-vessel occlusion.
- Deconstructive and Reconstructive Techniques in Treatment of Vertebrobasilar Dissecting Aneurysms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Seventeen studies with 478 patients were included in this analysis, evaluating immediate occlusion, long-term occlusion, long-term good neurologic outcome, perioperative morbidity, perioperative mortality, rebleed (ruptured only), recurrence, and retreatment. Endovascular treatment of vertebrobasilar dissecting aneurysms showed high rates of complete occlusion and good long-term outcomes.
Head & Neck
- Treatment of Benign Thyroid Nodules: Comparison of Surgery with Radiofrequency Ablation
Two hundred patients with nodular goiter were treated with surgery, and an equal number were treated with radiofrequency ablation. Surgical resection and ablation were both effective, but ablation had fewer complications and fewer hospital days.
- Disrupted Global and Regional Structural Networks and Subnetworks in Children with Localization-Related Epilepsy
Impaired structural connectivity affecting global and regional networks and subnetworks in children with localization-related epilepsy was demonstrated. The impairment in structural connectivity was extensive despite the apparent focality of the seizure disorders.
- Transmedullary Venous Anastomoses: Anatomy and Angiographic Visualization Using Flat Panel Catheter Angiotomography
Previously only defined by postmortem analysis, the use of flat panel catheter angiotomography allows definition of spinal cord transmedullary venous anastomoses.