Research ArticleHEAD AND NECK
Aggressive Epithelial Odontogenic Ghost Cell Tumor in the Mandible: CT and MR Imaging Findings
Hyung-Jin Kim, Sung-Kyu Choi, Choong Jae Lee and Chang Hae Suh
American Journal of Neuroradiology January 2001, 22 (1) 175-179;
Hyung-Jin Kim
Sung-Kyu Choi
Choong Jae Lee

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In this issue
Hyung-Jin Kim, Sung-Kyu Choi, Choong Jae Lee, Chang Hae Suh
Aggressive Epithelial Odontogenic Ghost Cell Tumor in the Mandible: CT and MR Imaging Findings
American Journal of Neuroradiology Jan 2001, 22 (1) 175-179;
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