Index by author
September 2006; Volume 27,Issue 8
Agarawal, A.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessAssessment of White Matter Damage in Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis Using Quantitative Diffusion Tensor MR ImagingR. Trivedi, R.K. Gupta, A. Agarawal, K.M. Hasan, A. Gupta, K.N. Prasad, G. Bayu, D. Rathore, R.K.S. Rathore and P.A. NarayanaAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1712-1716;
Ahuja, A.T.
- HEAD & NECKYou have accessBiopsy of Deep-Seated Head and Neck Lesions under Intraoral Ultrasound GuidanceK.T. Wong, R.K.Y. Tsang, G.M.K. Tse, E.H.Y. Yuen and A.T. AhujaAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1654-1657;
Albayram, S.
- BRAINYou have accessReversible Reduction of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in Bilateral Internal Capsules in Transient Hypoglycemia–Induced HemiparesisS. Albayram, H. Ozer, S. Gokdemir, F. Gulsen, G. Kiziltan, N. Kocer and C. IslakAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1760-1762;
Aralasmak, A.
- HEAD & NECKYou have accessGiant Cell Reparative Granuloma of the Sphenoid BoneA. Aralasmak, N. Aygun, W.H. Westra and D.M. YousemAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1675-1677;
Assadi, S.
- BRAINYou have accessRadiation Exposure of Patients in Comprehensive Computed Tomography of the Head in Acute StrokeM. Cohnen, H.-J. Wittsack, S. Assadi, K. Muskalla, A. Ringelstein, L.W. Poll, A. Saleh and U. MödderAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1741-1745;
Assaf, Y.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessDiffusion Tensor Imaging in Hydrocephalus: Initial ExperienceY. Assaf, L. Ben-Sira, S. Constantini, L.C. Chang and L. Beni-AdaniAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1717-1724;
Atkinson, J.D.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessSubdural Hematomas in Infants with Benign Enlargement of the Subarachnoid Spaces Are Not Pathognomonic for Child AbuseP.D. McNeely, J.D. Atkinson, G. Saigal, A.M. O’Gorman and J.-P. FarmerAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1725-1728;
Aygun, N.
- HEAD & NECKYou have accessGiant Cell Reparative Granuloma of the Sphenoid BoneA. Aralasmak, N. Aygun, W.H. Westra and D.M. YousemAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1675-1677;
Barkovich, A.J.
- REVIEW ARTICLEYou have accessMagnetic Resonance Imaging of the Fetal Brain and Spine: An Increasingly Important Tool in Prenatal Diagnosis, Part 1O.A. Glenn and A.J. BarkovichAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1604-1611;
Bartlett, Eric S.
- LetterYou have accessReply:Eric S. Bartlett, Thomas D. Walters, Sean P. Symons and Allan J. FoxAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2006, 27 (8) 1601;
In this issue