Index by author
Abraham, A.
- PediatricsYou have accessCerebral Blood Flow and Marrow Diffusion Alterations in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia after Bone Marrow Transplantation and TransfusionM.T. Whitehead, A. Smitthimedhin, J. Webb, E.S. Mahdi, Z.P. Khademian, J.L. Carpenter and A. AbrahamAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2132-2139; DOI:
Agid, R.
- Head & NeckYou have accessFacial Venous Malformations Are Associated with Cerebral Developmental Venous AnomaliesW. Brinjikji, C.A. Hilditch, A.C. Tsang, P.J. Nicholson, T. Krings and R. AgidAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2103-2107; DOI:
Ahmed, A.K.
- Adult BrainYou have accessDoes the Presence or Absence of DESH Predict Outcomes in Adult Hydrocephalus?A.K. Ahmed, M. Luciano, A. Moghekar, J. Shin, N. Aygun, H.I. Sair, D. Rigamonti and A.M. BlitzAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2022-2026; DOI:
Alves, C.A.
- FELLOWS' JOURNAL CLUBPediatricsOpen AccessExpanding the Distinctive Neuroimaging Phenotype of ACTA2 MutationsF. D'Arco, C.A. Alves, C. Raybaud, W.K.K. Chong, G.E. Ishak, S. Ramji, M. Grima, A.J. Barkovich and V. GanesanAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2126-2131; DOI:
Patients with the ACTA2 mutation have distinctive clinical and angiographic features—specifically, a combination of ectasia and stenosis, a straight arterial course, absence of basal collaterals, and more widespread cerebrovascular involvement in comparison with Moyamoya disease. Neuroimaging studies from 13 patients with heterozygous Arg179His mutations in ACTA2 and 1 patient with pathognomonic clinicoradiologic findings for ACTA2 mutation were retrospectively reviewed. Characteristic bending and hypoplasia of the anterior corpus callosum, apparent absence of the anterior gyrus cinguli, and radial frontal gyration were present in 100% of the patients; flattening of the pons on the midline and multiple indentations in the lateral surface of the pons were demonstrated in 93% of the patients.
Amans, M.R.
- Head & NeckOpen AccessMR Venous Flow in Sigmoid Sinus DiverticulumM.R. Amans, H. Haraldsson, E. Kao, S. Kefayati, K. Meisel, R. Khangura, J. Leach, N.D. Jani, F. Faraji, M. Ballweber, W. Smith and D. SalonerAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2108-2113; DOI:
Anxionnat, Rene
- You have accessStandards of Practice in Acute Ischemic Stroke Intervention: International RecommendationsLaurent Pierot, Mahesh V Jayaraman, Istvan Szikora, Joshua A Hirsch, Blaise Baxter, Shigeru Miyachi, Jeyaledchumy Mahadevan, Winston Chong, Peter J Mitchell, Alan Coulthard, Howard A Rowley, Pina C Sanelli, Donatella Tampieri, Patrick A Brouwer, Jens Fiehler, Naci Kocer, Pedro Vilela, Alex Rovira, Urs Fischer, Valeria Caso, Bart van der Worp, Nobuyuki Sakai, Yuji Matsumaru, Shin-ichi Yoshimura, Rene Anxionnat, Hubert Desal, Luisa Biscoito, José Manuel Pumar, Orlando Diaz, Justin F Fraser, Italo Linfante, David S Liebeskind, Raul G Nogueira, Werner Hacke, Michael Brainin, Bernard Yan, Michael Soderman, Allan Taylor, Sirintara Pongpech, Michihiro Tanaka, Karel Terbrugge, Asian-Australian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (AAFITN), Australian and New Zealand Society of Neuroradiology (ANZSNR), American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), Canadian Society of Neuroradiology (CSNR), European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT), European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR), European Stroke Organization (ESO), Japanese Society for NeuroEndovascular Therapy (JSNET), the French Society of Neuroradiology (SFNR), Ibero-Latin American Society of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (SILAN), Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS), Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN), World Stroke Organization (WSO) and World Federation of Interventional Neuroradiology (WFITN)American Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) E112-E117; DOI:
Aquarius, R.
- InterventionalYou have accessSubtraction CTA: An Alternative Imaging Option for the Follow-Up of Flow-Diverter-Treated Aneurysms?M.P. Duarte Conde, A.M. de Korte, F.J.A. Meijer, R. Aquarius, H.D. Boogaarts, R.H.M.A. Bartels and J. de VriesAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2051-2056; DOI:
Atkinson, C.
- Adult BrainYou have accessEngorgement of Deep Medullary Veins in Neurosarcoidosis: A Common-Yet-Underrecognized Cerebrovascular Finding on SWIC. Zamora, S.-C. Hung, C. Tomingas, C. Atkinson and M. CastilloAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2045-2050; DOI:
Aviv, R.I.
- Adult BrainYou have accessProspective Multicenter Study of Changes in MTT after Aneurysmal SAH and Relationship to Delayed Cerebral Ischemia in Patients with Good- and Poor-Grade Admission StatusA. Murphy, T.-Y. Lee, T.R. Marotta, J. Spears, R.L. Macdonald, R.I. Aviv, A. Baker and A. BharathaAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2027-2033; DOI:
Aygun, N.
- Adult BrainYou have accessDoes the Presence or Absence of DESH Predict Outcomes in Adult Hydrocephalus?A.K. Ahmed, M. Luciano, A. Moghekar, J. Shin, N. Aygun, H.I. Sair, D. Rigamonti and A.M. BlitzAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology November 2018, 39 (11) 2022-2026; DOI: