Table of Contents
Review Articles
Radiology-Pathology Correlation
General Contents
- Development and Practical Implementation of a Deep Learning–Based Pipeline for Automated Pre- and Postoperative Glioma Segmentation
The authors show the feasibility and advantages of building a coordinated model with a clinical pipeline for the rapid and accurate deep learning segmentation of both preoperative and postoperative gliomas. The ability of the model to accommodate cases of postoperative glioma is clinically important for follow-up.
- Hypovascular Cellular Tumor in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma is Associated with Treatment Resistance: Tumor Habitat Analysis Using Physiologic MRI
A hypovascular cellular tumor habitat is associated with treatment resistance in primary central nervous system lymphoma, and its assessment may refine prechemotherapy imaging-based response prediction for patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma.
- Petrobasal Vein: A Previously Unrecognized Vein Directly Connecting the Superior Petrosal Sinus with the Emissary Vein of the Foramen Ovale
The petrobasal vein, an unknown vein directly connecting the superior petrosal sinus and the emissary veins of the foramen ovale and draining into the pterygoid plexus, can occasionally be identified on cerebral angiography as a variant drainage route from the cerebellum and brain stem veins and/or from the superficial middle cerebral vein.
- Transcranial Doppler Velocities and Angiographic Vasospasm after SAH: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study
A threshold transcranial Doppler mean flow-velocity value that would accurately diagnose ≥ 50% angiographic vasospasm remains elusive.
- Mechanical Thrombectomy for Treatment of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia
Anecdotal experience suggests that endovascular therapy may be safe and effective in reducing thrombus burden in selected cases of postvaccination cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
- 4D Flat Panel Conebeam CTA for Analysis of the Angioarchitecture of Cerebral AVMs with a Novel Software Prototype
4D flat panel conebeam CTA reconstructions allow detailed analysis of the nidal angioarchitecture of AVMs. Further improvements in temporal resolution and automated reconstruction techniques are needed to use the method generally in clinical practice.